A week ago today, my 18 year old cat called Star died suddenly. At least it seemed sudden to me. She was not sick, in fact she seemed very healthy apart from having 3 legs and an injury to her one good back leg that never healed properly. Everyone who met Star would comment on how young she looked. And how very wise she seemed. Tuesday 20th June was the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. Just days before the new moon so the energy was quite strong. Star seemed perfectly normal all day and after dinner she went to the front door of the house expressing a strong desire to go outside. It was about 7pm. At 11pm I went outside to get her and bring her inside for the night. It was such a shock to find her dead body in the driveway. My resistance to the moment was strong and intense. I just kept screaming no. The next morning I buried her in the garden next to Gatsby, her soul mate, my spirit dog. Before doing so I made sure that her 2 boys, Bootie and Bear, saw her body.
I have been grieving all week, processing the emotions that her life and death has brought up. Momma Star meant so much to me. we went through a lot over the 18 years we shared together. And she, like Gatsby, was my closest friend and greatest teacher. Her passing has lead to a grief induced fast. When I am sad I have no desire to eat. In the immediate aftermath of her passing I dry fasted for 3 days. I have done this several times before, this time was the easiest. By the third day I did feel quite weak and very thirsty. I broke the fast with coconut water and have been drinking that exclusively for the past four days. No hunger. No desire to eat.
It is truly remarkable how fasting supports you in navigating the challenging times of our lives. when my ex-husband left, I did a 10 day juice fast. and I felt great despite the circumstances. I have been 100% raw ever since and my health just keeps improving as I get older.
So I am now in full detox mode and so much is happening – physically, emotionally and spiritually. Huge quantities of sulfur are being released. As well as emotions that were trapped for years. Star’s passing has brought this about, and for that I am so very grateful. I would have happily looked after her for the rest of my life, but it was her time to go, she was ready to return to pure spirit. Star I love you, and I thank you for everything you have given me. Rest in peace my little girl. (Star is the kitty on the home page of my web site.)