and i am feeling very well indeed ! it’s truly amazing how little your body needs to function. less is more, so long as what you are consuming is natural, species appropriate and nutrient dense. i love fasting and have been doing so regularly for the past 10 years. it’s far more an emotional challenge than physical. that is, the thought of food and the emotional desire to consume the foods you enjoy most is very strong. but physically, your body thrives on the periods of time when you abstain from eating and once you get past the initial 24-48 hours shows very little signs of hunger. why is that ? because most people’s eating habits require a lot of effort on the part of their digestive system – to break down, absorb and utilize nutrients from the food they consume. not only is the average person taxing their digestive system from eating inappropriate foods, large quantities of food, and not chewing very well, their immune system gets involved ! the scientific term for this is digestive leucocytosis, whereby the white blood cell count elevates upon consuming food. the body’s immune system is designed to defend the body from foreign objects – which is how your body responds to cooked food. so when you fast you give your digestive system and in some cases your immune system time to rest. and your body can focus on the most important thing: detoxification. ridding the toxins from your body is the single most important thing you can do for your health. and there is a single most effective way to do that. eating a raw vegan fruit based diet is the way to heal and thrive, but it is not necessarily easy to get from where you are to where you want to be. that is why i am here – to help you. as a holistic health coach and detox specialist it would be a privilege to work with you and support you to change your diet and lifestyle so that you can heal yourself and the planet at the same time – imagine that !