is something that disturbs me deeply. last week i came across an article in one green planet which highlighted five species that are being driven to extinction for their “health” benefits.
These 5 Animal Products Sold for Their Bogus ‘Health’ Benefits are Driving Species to Extinction
traditional chinese medicine has claimed for hundreds of years that certain animal parts – think bear bile and tiger bones – can cure common ailments. but they are wrong. the only way to cure any dis-ease is detoxification. i was familiar with most of the animals on this list of five and the images were all familiar except one. i have never seen a tiger in a position like this – in a cage on it’s back with all four legs tied by rope spread eagle and it’s head outside the cage. this horrific image triggered something deep inside me. it brought me to the depths of despair. i walked away from my computer and went outside and lay on the grass looking up at the blue sky and the tall pine trees. what a beautiful day. my four cats came closer to me, feeling my sadness and offering comfort. bear, my 16 year old zen cat came right over to me, sat down next to me close to my head and stared deeply in my eyes as he so often does. he knew of course how i was feeling and it was as if his gaze was telling me i know.
the next morning, back on my computer i received the best news ever – ringling brother and barnum and bailey circus was closing down – omg ! this news brought such joy to my heart and i felt as though the universe was compensating for the torturing of tigers and all other animals in the name of health.
know your health does not require the suffering of others. in fact the opposite is true. your health is symbiotically related to the health of all others – other people, other animals, other ecosystems. when we violate the laws of nature and torture animals in the name of a belief system regardless of how many years old it might be, then we violate ourselves. everything suffers. but when we honor natural laws and do unto others as you would have done to you, then true health and peace is possible.